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- Resource
- Case Study
- Julian Cole,Planning Dirty Community
- case studies,category: case study,examples,ideas,inspiration,low budget
- 181681506690
- 2
- 5d37245f579207005833b166
- Feed
- Blog
- Daniel Comar
- activation,case studies,category: blog,examples,ideas,inspiration
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- Feed
- Blog
- Suzanne Pope
- category: blog,examples,ideas
- 175975271362
- 1
- 5d2cddac774d060051c3b580
- Book
- Book
- Rory Sutherland
- behavioral economics,brand building,category: book,decision making,for: senior strategist level,ideas,psychology,social issues
- 176325784020
- 0
- 5d268371ba86d500297468c2
- Resource
- Reference
- Davis Ballard,Julian Cole,Karen Faith
- category: reference,collaboration,feedback,guide,ideas
- 176742099523
- 1
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- Tool
- Toolkit
- Juggi Ramakrishnan,Todd McCracken
- brainstorming,category: toolkit,creativity,examples,ideas,inspiration
- Free
- 186601129106
- 1
- 5cd9dee720054000302a4a14
- Single
- Video
- Kirby Ferguson
- category: video,creativity,ideas,inspiration,pop culture,remix
- 181764956927
- 0
- 5d26aa19384f6f0060751153
- Book
- Book
- Edward Boches,Luke Sullivan
- category: book,creativity,for: junior strategist level,guide,ideas
- 176732203090
- 0
- 5ccb5ac6a884dc0051272b81
- Single
- Article
- Mark Pollard
- category: article,decks,definitions,howto,ideas,storytelling
- 182716285829
- 2
- 5d26afcb9b86d500674fdf90
- Book
- Book
- David Ogilvy
- advice,career,category: book,creativity,direct response,history,ideas,industry
- 176730744740
- 0
- 5d2cea4dfda34100306ac863
- Book
- Book
- Dave Trott
- advice,category: book,creativity,for: senior strategist level,history,ideas,industry,inspiration,storytelling
- 176322550806
- 0
- 5d28c8302aa1400030e484d6
- Book
- Book
- Faris Yakob
- attention,brands,category: book,creativity,digital,fame,for: strategist level,history,ideas,innovation,media,neuroscience,pr,psychology,theory
- 176593428543
- 1
- 5d26783ba8744a0067df6b75
- Tool
- Toolkit
- First The Trousers
- brainstorming,category: toolkit,ideas,positioning
- Paid
- 176744968901
- 1
- 5ce2f972059029002292cc3a
- Single
- Article
- Faris Yakob
- category: article,conventions,creativity,effectiveness,ideas,media,templates,tv
- 181168338666
- 1
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- Feed
- Podcast
- Mark Pollard
- account planning,career,category: podcast,ideas,interviews
- 181766333159
- 0
- 5cdd8cca8e6db9003b14b998
- Book
- Book
- James Webb Young
- brainstorming,category: book,creativity,for: senior strategist level,guide,ideas,process,remix
- 181523834557
- 0
- 5d3239eb295bdf005cda54ba
- Tool
- Toolkit
- Alejandro Masferrer
- brainstorming,category: toolkit,collaboration,creativity,ideas,innovation,workshops
- Paid
- 175974488882
- 0
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